Why are there so many contests? Because we want to give you free books! Here's another way to get a free book. The book in question is the dazzling The Difficult Farm by Heather Christle, which I can best describe by saying that between the time I began this sentence and now, some kind of meadowlark slammed into my kitchen window but recovered and flew away. I also wrote some things here. Anyhow, this is how the contest works. First, read this poem by Heather from issue [3] of NOÖ:
A New Career
--Heather Christle
Be here at eight
said the group leader.
I was late but she
said that was okay
and handed me a kit
just like hers
a tin box full of nails
and a hammer.
I strapped my light
to my head which
was still in good shape
and began reinforcing
everything. When I
reinforced you
you seemed angry
and attractive. When I
reinforced the youth
the group leader
reinforced me and
her outfit looked great.
This job is not perfect
but the pay is okay
and I like working
outdoors. The group
leader respects us all
and at home the kids
love to shake
my tin box and think
of how close we once
were to collapse.
Now, to win a free book, post in the comments your best experience working with a group and your worst. That's it! You don't have to post much, maybe just a sentence for one and a sentence for the other. The NOÖ Journal team will pick our favorite and you'll win a Difficult Farm quite easily. Ready set arugula. DEADLINE: November 15th
Best: I gathered into a group, and we waited in line for 45 minutes to get into an abysmal club. The line was the highlight of the night, as an impromptu dance-off led to a city block's worth of dance tutorials and signature moves. We left before we made it to the front of the line. This happens from time to time.
Worst: I led a group of kindergardeners through a field at dusk during a community-building campout. The intent was to track "peepers," unattainable bugs that were, in actuality, the point of my laser pen. Instead we found the class chinchilla, who had escaped the week earlier, dead under some leaves
I was invited to hang out with a group in a lobster shack
I got all dressed up but they just wanted to work
I was friends with a group of medical students and we went in for a couple of kayaks
we alternated
then most nights we went to the pool hall
but we spent one night in a hot air balloon
I was in a big angel. Some of my friends had it made. It was like being a triangle or mathematics. Or a car, or a car crash about to happen. Velocity, velocity, and at night a small shiver joined its large body of water.
Now I have to do terrible things to people.
best: the three of us made inflatable dolls we called 'babes' out of saran wrap. we rigged up thirty revlon hair-driers to the bottom of two big beer palettes, and when the audience member pressed a button, the babes would inflate and ingrid's clothes come to life. this was an old fashion week. we didn't sleep for days and danced anyway.
worst: i was with one, wrote for the other. when the other pressed a button, i would come to love. i don't need that kind of hot air to run now.
i really need this book, you know.
Worst: Vacation Bible Study, demonstrating how we are all part of God's world with a tangled web of yarn before the leaders announced that the last kids in wouldn't get any candy. I have yarn scars on my legs.
Best: Tube flotilla on the Guadalupe. I was in charge of string cheese.
worst: One summer I had a part time job as kid's party entertainer. I arrived at a gloomy beach dressed as the dog from the Nickelodeon show, "Blue's Clues." I felt like an impostor.
best: Same gig. I removed my mask and said, "forgive me children, but I am not Blue. I am a young man inside a dog costume paid by your parents to entertain you by acting ridiculous. I think we can have more fun together if we're just honest. Also, there is no Easter Bunny or Santa Clause." The children applauded and carried me off the beach in their little arms.
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